We build on your strengths

Information on our consultancy services for Merck KGaA employees

Our consulting offer before your decision

VBLP (von Bredow, Lütteke & Partner) is your competent partner for professional re-orientation - offering more than 30 years' experience. We support you personally, individually and according to your needs.

Career advisory - We at your disposal as an independent consultant to answer questions regarding your personal and professional situation. All conversations are completely confidential.

In case you decide to sign a termination agreement, we will continue to support you in your professional reorientation. Our new-placement aspiration: We would like you to find a position that suits you - in a company to which you would like to contribute your manpower in the long term.

For this purpose we offer the following services:

Career advisory

We will discuss your opportunities and choices on the labour market, point out career options and provide you with a platform for decision-making.

Career advisory

Our offer:

  • 2 x 2 hours of one-to-one consultation (online)
  • Access to VBLP Digital
  • Strictly confidential

Your career change

  • opportunities
  • risks

Your professional situation, your professional goals, your skills

  • current
  • personally 
  • individually
  • and jointly reviewed

The individual job market - first assessment

And furthermore:
Possible support services provided by VBLP GmbH

  • Detailed explanation
  • Process
  • Consultation method

New-placement consultancy: Business start-up

  • Preparation for business start-up and definition of the business idea
  • Foundation procedures & financial considerations (business plan)
  • Accompaniment during the implementation

Business start-up - self-employment as an alternative option

We accompany you tailor-made

  • during your consideration
  • when weighing up risks
  • on a professional and personal level

Your advantages:

  • Certainty for a successful start-up
  • Our consultants' experience of self-employment
  • Our experience in the M&A environment

Our "business start-up" service offer for you:

  • Support from the initial business idea to its implementation
  • Joint definition of your business model
  • Considering the individual options for success
  • Jointly preparing the factual establishment of your company
  • Preparing a business plan
  • Founding formalities
  • Current market opportunities
  • Financial and personal framework conditions
  • Reliable marketing and implementation planning
  • Support with suitable networks
  • Sparring partner and success controller

Features of our accompaniment:

  • The business model including business idea and viability, the compatibility of the business idea with your personality and skills, the market and competition.
  • The financial aspects including current income and expenses as well as liabilities, anticipated required equity and debt to establish the business, any possible resulting changes in the standard of living.
  • Creation of a business plan with P&L, marketing strategy, production/service plan, sales plan, workforce plan and administration plan.
  • Generation of potential sources of external capital, e.g. KFW loans, start-up subsidy, etc.
  • Complying with mandatory formalities when setting up a company

New-placement consultancy: Permanent employment

  • Developing your application documents
  • Your professional qualifications and goals
  • Comprehensive and operative support during the application process

New-placement consultancy

Our new-placement consultancy supports you on your path to your professional future:

  • Jointly
  • Individually
  • Professionally

Developing - a joint application strategy
Considering - digitalisation of the job application market
Analysing - your individual job market
Determining - your location
Identifying - your unique selling points
Your - professional successes

The 5 phases of our new-placement consultancy:

Analysing your potential - your professional and private situation
Skills analysis - determining your individual strengths
Job application strategy - designing your individual application strategy
Market entry/application phase - assessing, activating, recommending
Contract completion - support in your contract negotiations

This includes

  • Assessing job offers
  • Activating networks
  • Recommending recruitment consultants and headhunters
  • Drawing-up recommendations for action
  • Jointly finalizing your application documents 
  • Coaching your effective self-presentation


  • Accompany
  • Are sparring partners
  • Actively search for new areas of responsibility for you
  • Give the necessary assurance

We are here for you, please contact us.

If you have any questions, would like to talk to us or book an appointment for an initial consultation, please feel free to contact us via this contact form, by phone or by e-mail.

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Herzog-Heinrich-Str. 11-13
DE-80336 München
Phone: +49 89 89 31 14 31

Germany-wide presence:

Bad Homburg/Frankfurt

Personal consultiation on site, we are where you need us.